1 序言
1.1 在注册并使用本网站(https://www.olymparts.org/)之前,请您(即本网站“用户”,包括“一般注册用户”和“注册艺术家”)仔细阅读并完全理解本《服务条款》各条款内容,特别是免除或限制本网站运营方国际奥林匹克艺术委员会及其关联方(以下简称“我们”)责任等以加粗形式标识的内容,请您在确认充分理解并同意后注册、使用本网站。
Before registering at and using this website (https://www.olymparts.org/), you (the “User” of this Website, including “General Registered User” and “Registered Artist”) are requested to carefully review and fully understand the content of the terms of this Terms and Conditions, especially the content that exempt or restrict the responsibility of the operator of this website, The Olymp’Arts Committee and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as “we” or “us”) which are marked in bold. Please register at and use this website after confirming your full understanding and consent.
1.2 如您拟参与“Olymp’Arts”大赛,则您在注册成功后可以按照我们在本网站发布的《报名须知》等参赛规则文件缴纳报名费并上传参赛作品,在我们通知您成功上传作品后,您即成为本网站的“注册艺术家”。
Where you intend to participate in the “Olymp’Arts” competition, you shall pay the registration fee and upload the entries in accordance with the entry rules documents including Notes for Application published by us on this website after your registration, and you will become the Registered Artist of this website after we notify you of the successful upload of your entries.
1.3 一旦您按照本网站注册页面提示填写相应信息、阅读并点击同意完成注册流程后,即表示您已充分理解并接受了本《服务条款》的全部内容,本《服务条款》即构成我们与您(以下合称“双方”)之间具有法律约束力的协议,双方均应当遵守本《服务条款》的约定。其中,注册艺术家还应特别注意并遵守本《服务条款》第6条关于注册艺术家的特别条款(一般注册用户则不适用该条款)。
Once you have completed the registration process by filling in relevant information, reading and clicking Agree button following the instructions on the registration page of this website, it is deemed that you have fully understood and accepted the full contents of this Terms and Conditions, which constitute a legally binding agreement between us and you, collectively as “both Parties”, and both Parties shall abide by the terms of this Terms and Conditions. Registered Artist shall also pay special attention to and abide by the special terms concerned Registered Artist in provisions of Article 6 hereof (which is not applicable to General Registered User).
1.4 我们有权并可能会随时根据适用法律法规变化、政策调整、业务经营需要等修订本《服务条款》并在本网站公布更新后的《服务条款》,更新后的《服务条款》自在本网站发布之日起生效并替代上一版本的《服务条款》。请您时常返回本网站查阅,如您不同意修订后的《服务条款》,则您应立即停止使用本网站。如果我们拟对本《服务条款》进行重大修改,我们将尝试在作出相应修改前在本网站发出通知,但无论我们是否发出此种通知,如您继续访问、使用本网站,则视为您已经阅读、理解并同意遵守修订后的《服务条款》,修订后的《服务条款》将成为双方之间具有法律约束力的协议。
We shall have the right and may at any time amend and renew this Terms and Conditions in accordance with changes of applicable laws and regulations, policy adjustments, business needs, etc., and publish the updated Terms and Conditions on this website. The updated Terms and Conditions shall take effect on and from the date of publication of this website and replace the previous version of the Terms and Conditions. Please return to this website to check Terms and Conditions from time to time, and if you do not accept the renewed Terms and Conditions, you should immediately cease using this website. If we intend to make material changes to this Terms and Conditions, we will attempt to issue a notice on this website before making such changes, but regardless of whether we issue such notice or not, if you continue to access or use this website, it is deemed that you have fully read, understood and agreed to abide by the amended and renewed Terms and Conditions, which will become a legally binding agreement between both Parties.
1.5 如您是瑞士地区以外的用户,您履行本《服务条款》还需同时遵守您所属国家或地区的法律。
If you are a User outside Switzerland, in addition to this Terms and Conditions, you shall also comply with the applicable laws of your country or region of residence.
2 协议主体
2.1 我们:国际奥林匹克艺术委员会(以下简称“国际奥艺委”)及其关联方,关联方包括授权网站运营方(母公司、子公司、共同受同一母公司控制的其他公司)以及“Olymp’Arts”大赛承办方。
“We/Us” means the Olymp’Arts Committee(hereinafter referred to as OLYMP'ARTS) and its affiliates, including authorized website operators (parent company, subsidiary, other companies jointly controlled by the same parent company) and the organizer of the “Olymp’Arts” competition.
2.2 您/用户:指注册、使用本网站的主体,包括一般注册用户和注册艺术家。
“You/User” means the subject of registration and use of this website, including “General Registered User” and “Registered Artist”.
2.2.1 任何自然人,不限制年龄和国籍等均可以注册并使用本网站。但如果您因年龄、智力等因素不具有完全民事行为能力,则您注册、使用本网站应经过您的家长等监护人同意并特别注意遵守本《服务条款》第8条关于未成年人的约定,否则您不得注册、使用本网站,您与您的监护人并将承担由此产生的一切责任。
Any natural person, regardless of age or nationality, etc., may register at and use this website. However, if you do not have full civil capacity due to factors like age, intelligence, etc., you should register at and use this website with the consent of your parent and other guardians, and pay special attention to comply with the provisions of Article 8 hereof regarding minors, otherwise you shall not register at and use this website, you and your guardians will bear all liability arising therefrom.
2.2.2 如您代表法人、非法人组织、政府或其他机构、创作团队等实体注册、使用本网站,则您应获得相关主体的授权、有权代表该等主体注册、使用本网站并受本《服务条款》的约束,您的行为将视为该等主体的行为。
If you register at and use this website on behalf of a legal person, an unincorporated organization, a government, an organization, a creative team, etc., you shall be authorized by the relevant entities and have the right to register at and use this website on behalf of such entities and be bound by this Terms and Conditions, and your conduct shall be deemed to be the conduct of such entities.
3 您的账户
Your Account
Registration of your Account
3.0.1 您应本着诚实信用的原则,按照本网站注册页面的要求提供真实、准确、完整的相关注册信息和/或材料,如果相关信息和/或材料发生变动,您应及时更新;如因您提供的注册信息和/或材料不真实、不合法或未及时更新从而导致相关法律责任或不利后果的,您将承担该等法律责任及不利后果。
You shall, in accordance with the principle of good faith, provide true, accurate and complete relevant registration information and/or materials as required by the registration page of this website, and you shall timely update the relevant information and/or materials in case of any change. If the registration information and/or materials provided by you are untrue, illegal, or not updated in a timely manner, resulting in related legal liabilities or adverse consequences, you will bear such legal liabilities and adverse consequences.
3.0.2 您同意并承诺,您注册的账户名称、头像和简介等信息不得包含违法或不良信息、不得冒充他人、不得未经许可为他人注册、不得使用可能侵犯他人权益的账户名等,否则我们有权不予通过您的注册或收回您已注册的账户,由此产生的任何责任由您自行承担。
You agree and promise that your registered account information such as name, avatar and profile shall not contain illegal or undesirable information, shall not impersonate others, shall not register for others without permission, shall not use the name of the account that may infringe the rights and interests of others, etc. Otherwise, we have the right not to approve your registration or the right to withdraw your registered account, and you shall bear all and any responsibilities arising therefrom.
3.0.3 一旦您完成注册流程,我们将确认或激活您的账户,您的注册即生效。您应妥善保管您的账户及密码,并对您账户发生的一切行为负责。如果您意识到您的账户密码可能或已被泄露,您有义务立即通知我们,我们可能需要重置您的密码以确保您账户的安全。除非我们已接获并确认收到您向我们发出关于您的账户/密码被泄露的通知,我们会视所有在本网站对您的账户的使用均是由您作出。因您保管不善可能导致遭受盗号或密码失窃,责任由您自行承担。
Your registration becomes effective once you have completed the registration process and obtain our approval or activation of your account. You should keep your account and password properly and be responsible for all actions that occur under your account. If you become aware that your account password may be or may have been compromised, you are obligated to notify us immediately, and we may need to reset your password to ensure the security of your account. Unless we have received and confirmed receipt of notice from you to us that your account or password has been compromised, we will treat all use of your account on this website as yours. You should solely be responsible for any account or password theft that may result from your improper custody.
3.2 账户所有权
Ownership of your Account
3.2.1 您理解并同意,您在本网站所注册账户的所有权归属于我们,您仅享有账户的使用权,我们有权在适用法律允许的最大范围内视情况决定收回您的账号使用权,无需另行通知您亦无需征得您的同意。
You understand and agree that the ownership of your account registered on this website belongs to us, and you only have the right to use the account. We have the right to decide to withdraw your right to use the account to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, and no further notice or consent is required.
3.2.2 未经我们事先书面同意,您不得以任何形式处置您账户的使用权,包括但不限于转让、许可、赠与、销售、抵押等。如果我们发现或者有合理理由认为账户使用者并非账户初始注册人,我们有权在不通知您的情况下暂停或终止您使用本网站的权限,甚至注销您的账户。
You shall not dispose of the right to use your account in any form, including but not limited to transfer, license, gift, sale, mortgage, without our prior written consent. If we notice or have reasonable grounds to believe that the User of the account is not the original registrant of the account, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to this website or even to close your account without notifying you.
3.3 账户使用
Use of your Account
3.3.1 您可以使用您注册的账户登录本网站,为了您的使用便利,我们将适时提供指纹识别、人脸识别等更为安全便捷的登录方式。
You may login to this website with your registered account. For your convenience, we will provide fingerprint recognition, face recognition and other more secure and convenient login methods.
3.3.2 您理解并承诺,您仅为个人非商业性质的目的使用本网站。
You understand and promise that you only use this website for personal and non-commercial purposes.
3.3.3 您不得通过您的账户在本网站发布、传送、传播、储存以下违法违规信息:
You shall not distribute, transmit, disseminate or store the following illegal information on this website through your account:
a) 违反宪法或法律法规规定的;
It violates the Constitution of P.R.C. or any other laws and regulations;
b) 危害国家安全,泄露国家秘密,颠覆国家政权,破坏国家统一的;
It compromises the state security, divulges any national secret, subverts the state power, or undermines the national unity;
c) 损害国家荣誉和利益的,损害公共利益的;
It impairs the honors and interests of the state or the public interest;
d) 煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结的;
It incites ethnic hatred or discrimination or undermines the unity of all ethnicities;
e) 破坏国家宗教政策,宣扬邪教和封建迷信的;
It compromises the state’s religious policies or advocates any cult or feudal superstition;
f) 宣扬恐怖主义的;
It advocates terrorism;
g) 散布谣言,扰乱社会秩序,破坏社会稳定的;
It spreads rumors, disturbs the social order, or damages the social stability;
h) 散布淫秽、色情、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;
It spreads obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, or terror or abets the commission of crimes;
i) 侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;
It insults or defames any other person or infringes upon the lawful rights and interests of any other person;
j) 违背所在国家或地区风俗习惯的;
It violates customs and habits of your country or region of residence;
k) 其他适用法律、法规禁止的内容。
It has any other content prohibited by applicable laws or regulations.
3.3.4 您不得从本网站收集或使用关于其他用户或第三方的任何个人信息(包括但不限于隐私信息),不得通过您的账户通过本网站传送、发布广告信息、促销信息和资料等。
You shall not collect or use any personal information (including but not limited to private information) about other Users or third parties from this website, and you shall not transmit or publish advertising information, promotional information and materials through this website through your account.
3.3.5 您不得通过您的账户在本网站发布、传送、传播、储存侵害他人知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、商标权、专利权、商业秘密)、名誉权、隐私权等合法的人身和/或财产权利的内容。
You shall not, through your account, distribute, disseminate, or store content that infringes upon the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets), reputation rights, privacy rights and any other lawful personal rights and/or property rights of others on this website.
3.3.6 您承诺不因您对本网站的使用行为导致我们卷入任何政治和/或公共事件。
You promise not to involve us in any political and/or public events as a result of your access and use of this website.
3.3.7 您不得使用未经我们授权的插件、外挂或任何其他第三方工具对本网站进行干扰、破坏、修改或施加其他影响,您不得利用或通过您的账户对“Olymp’Arts”大赛的评选活动实施干扰、破坏行为,包括但不限于恶意刷票、恶意攻击本网站的其他注册艺术家等。
You shall not use plugins or any other third-party tools that are not authorized by us to interfere, disrupt, modify, or otherwise influence on this website, for example you shall not use or through your account to interfere, disrupt the selection activities of the “Olymp’Arts” competition, including but not limited to malicious ticketing, malicious attacks on other Registered Artists on this website.
3.4 账户禁用/收回:您理解并同意,如您存在违反本《服务条款》约定的禁止行为的,我们有权不经通知您删除相关内容、并视情况禁用您的账户;为免资源浪费,如果您长期不登录您的账户(如超过12个月不存在登录行为),我们有权视情况收回您的账户,由此可能产生的任何损失将由您本人自行承担。
Forbidden and withdraw of your Account: You understand and agree that if you violate the prohibited behaviors set forth herein, we reserve the right to delete the relevant content without notifying you and forbidden your account as appropriate. To avoid waste of resources, if you do not login to your account for a long period of time (such as there is no login for more than 12 months), we reserve the right to withdraw your account as appropriate, and all and any losses that may arise from this will be borne by you.
3.5 账户注销
Close of your Account
3.5.1 如果您拟不再使用本网站服务,您可以选择通过在线申请注销或电话联系我们的方式注销您的账户,一旦您注销帐号,您将无法继续使用本网站,因此请您谨慎操作。
Where you intend to no longer use services of this website, you may choose to close your account by applying for close online or by contacting us by phone, and once you close your account, you will not be able to continue using this website, so please proceed with caution.
3.5.2 除适用法律法规另有规定外,在您完成账户注销后,您曾通过该帐号使用本网站产生的任何内容、信息、数据、记录将会被删除或做匿名化处理,我们做出此种处理无需通知您或获得您的同意。
Unless otherwise stipulated by applicable laws and regulations, any content, information, data and records generated by you using this website through your account will be deleted or anonymized after you have completed the close of your account. We are not obligated to notify you or obtain your consent to do so.
3.5.3 在您完成账户注销后,您与我们签署的本《服务条款》相应终止(另有约定或适用法律另有规定的除外),同时,您知悉并同意,即使您的账号被注销,也并不减轻或免除您在本《服务条款》期间内根据适用法律等(可能)需要承担的相关责任。
Upon completion the close of your account, this Terms and Conditions signed by both Parties would be terminated accordingly (unless otherwise agreed or otherwise provided by applicable laws). Meanwhile, you understand and agree that even if your account is closed, it does not relieve or exempt you from relevant responsibilities that you (may) need to bear according to applicable laws during the term of this Terms and Conditions.
4 我们的服务
Our Services
4.1 您理解并知悉,本网站不是存储和管理内容的平台,因此请您始终在您在本网站的账户之外安全的备份相关内容的副本。
You understand and acknowledge that this website is not a platform for storing and managing your Content. Therefore, please always keep copies of your content safely outside your account on this website.
4.2 使用您的设备
Use Of Your Device
4.2.1 为了向您提供服务,我们可能需要取用您的相关设备(如移动电话、平板电脑、手提电脑),如我们可能需要使用您该等设备的处理器和储存装置以完成相关的网页浏览、或取用您的电话、通讯录等以便提供某些本网站的互动功能,您同意我们就此取用您的设备。
In order for us to provide services to you, we may require access to your relevant devices (e.g., mobile phone, tablet or laptop), for example, we may need to use the processors and storage devices of aforesaid devices to complete relevant web browsing, or to access your phone, address book, etc., in order to provide certain interactive functions of this website. You agree that we may use your devices for these purposes.
4.2.2 您知悉并同意,您使用本网站或我们的服务而产生的任何第三方费用由您自行承担,包括但不限于互联网服务费用、通信服务商的费用等。
You understand and agree that we are not responsible for any third party charges you incur (including but not limited to internet service fees, communications service provider fees, etc.) in relation to or arising from your use of this website or our services.
4.3 服务中止/中断/终止
Suspension/Interruption/Termination of Our Service
4.3.1 您理解并知悉,鉴于互联网服务的特殊性,我们有权对服务内容进行变更,也可能会中断、中止或终止全部或任一部分的服务。
You understand and acknowledge that, given the particularity of the internet service, we reserve the right to make changes to the content of our service and may interrupt, suspend or terminate all or any part of it.
4.3.2 如存在下列情形的,我们有权立即中止或终止对您的服务,并根据适用法律相关规定和本《服务条款》约定要求您承担责任:
Under any of the following circumstances, we shall have the right to immediately suspend or terminate the services provided to you and require you to assume responsibilities in accordance with applicable laws and this Terms and Conditions:
a) 您存在违反本《服务条款》约定行为或我们有合理理由相信您存在违反本《服务条款》约定行为的;
You have violated the terms of this Terms and Conditions, or we have reasonable grounds to believe that you violated the terms hereof;
b) 您对本网站的使用对我们或本网站其他用户将造成风险、可能导致我们面临第三方索赔主张或可能影响我们声誉和形象的;
Your use of this website will create risk for us or for other Users of this website, give rise to a threat of potential third party claims against us or is potentially damaging to our reputation or corporate image.
c) 按照适用法律法规规定,司法机关或相关行政部门的要求;
In accordance with provisions of applicable laws and regulations, the requirements of the judiciary organs or the relevant administrative departments;
d) 出于安全的原因或其他必要的情形。
For security reason or other necessary circumstances.
4.3.3 在终止对您的服务的情况下,您曾通过您的帐号使用本网站产生的任何内容、信息、数据、记录将会被删除或做匿名化处理,我们做出此种处理无需通知您或者获得您的同意。
In case of terminating your service, any content, information, data and records generated by you using this website through your account will be deleted or anonymized, we are not obligated to notify you or obtain your consent to do so.
4.3.4 我们需要定期或不定期地对本网站或相关的设备进行检修、维护、升级或更新,如因此类情况而造成我们的收费服务在合理时间内中断,我们无需为此承担任何责任,但我们会尽可能通过本网站事先进行通告。
We need to overhaul, maintain, upgrade or update this website or related equipment on a regular or irregular basis, if the charged service of us is interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, we shall not bear any responsibility, but we will inform in advance through this website as far as possible.
5 我们的知识产权
Our Intellectual Property Rights
5.1 所有通过本网站提供的服务、软件(包括任何更新、升级和新版本)以及内容(包括但不限于网页、文字、图片、图形、音频、视频、视觉界面、设计、信息、数据等)的知识产权及所有权归我们或我们的授权方所有。
All intellectual property rights and ownership of the services, software (including any updates, upgrades and new versions) and content (including but not limited to web pages, text, pictures, graphics, audio, video, visual interfaces, designs, information, data, etc.) provided through this website are owned by us or our licensors.
5.2 未经我们事先书面许可,您无权出于任何目的、以任何方式使用我们的任何知识产权,包括但不限于复制、发行、通过信息网络传播、改编、汇编等。
You shall not use any of our intellectual property rights for any purpose or in any way, including but not limited to reproduce, distribute, disseminate through the information network, adaptation, compilation, without our prior written consent.
5.3 您不得擅自删除、掩盖或更改我们在本网站发布的版权声明、商标或其它权利声明等。
You shall not delete, cover up or change the copyright, trademark or other rights notices that we published on this website without our authorization.
5.4 您不得以任何方式暗示第三方或第三方的产品和服务与我们存在关联。
You shall not in any manner imply that any third party or any third party’s products and services are associated with us.
5.5 您理解并同意,您向我们提供任何有关本网站以及我们服务的意见、建议或评价全部是自愿的,我们可以自行使用该等意见、建议和评价,而无需向您支付任何费用或对您负任何责任。
You understand and agree that any comments or suggestions you may provide regarding this website and our services are entirely voluntary, and we will be free to use these comments and suggestions at our discretion without any payment or other obligation to you.
6 注册艺术家特别条款
Special Terms for Registered Artists
6.1 我们理解并认可,您对您上传到本网站的作品享有完整的知识产权,我们将尊重您的知识产权,并仅在如下约定的授权范围内使用您的作品及知识产权。
We understand and recognize that you have complete intellectual property rights over entries you uploaded to this website, and we will respect your intellectual property rights and use your entries and intellectual property rights only within the scope of authorization as agreed below.
6.2 您不可撤销的授权我们出于推进、宣传推广“Olymp’Arts”大赛的目的,免费、非独占、可转让、可再授权的在全球范围内使用您上传于本网站的作品:
You irrevocably authorize us a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable, and sublicensable license to use the entries you upload to this website for the purposes of promoting and advertising the “Olymp’Arts” competition:
6.2.1 我们有权存储、复制(纸质及数字)、披露、发行、展览、通过信息网络传播、宣传推广您上传于本网站的作品。
We shall have the right to store, reproduce (paper and digital), disclose, publish, exhibit, disseminate through information networks, and advertise the entries you upload to this website.
6.2.2 我们有权对您上传于本网站的作品进行适当改编、汇编,如制作“Olymp’Arts”大赛作品合集等。
We shall have the right to adapt and compile the entries you upload to this website appropriately, such as make a collection of “Olymp’Arts” competition entries.
6.2.3 我们有权将您上传于本网站的作品及相关点评等备案至“Olymp’Arts”大赛相关资源库,供观摩、交流使用。
We shall have the right to record the entries you upload to this website with the relevant comments to the “Olymp’Arts” competition-related resource database for observation and communication.
6.2.4 出于宣传推广等目的,我们有权公开您的姓名、肖像、照片等信息。
For the purpose of publicity and promotion, we shall have the right to disclose your name, portrait, photo and other information.
6.2.5 出于对作品知识产权的保护以及对赛事的推广需要,您同意并独家授权,我们将您上传于本网站用于参赛的作品文件进行数字化处理并基于特定的技术规范部署到区块链上生成数字藏品并生成数字确权证书,数字化处理包括但不限于传统艺术作品的电子图象、数字/概念艺术作品的数码图象、音/视频作品的文件等;
For the protection of the intellectual property rights of the works and for the promotion of the competition, you agree and exclusively authorize us to digitize the files of your works uploaded on this website for the purpose of entry and deploy them on the blockchain based on specific technical specifications to generate a digital collection and generate a digital certificate of authenticity, which digitization includes but is not limited to electronic images of traditional artworks, digital/conceptual artworks digital images, files of audio/visual works, etc.
6.2.6 我们有权利出于商业目的使用上述数字藏品及相应的数字确权证书,进行任何商业行为以及商业衍生品开发等事项。
We have the right to use the above digital collections and the corresponding digital acknowledgement certificates for commercial purposes, for any commercial purposes and for matters such as the development of commercial derivatives.
6.2.7 您作为著作权人将会收到上述数字藏品的数字确权证书,如我们将您的数字藏品及数字确权证书用于商业行为并产生扣除一切税费后的净收益,您将享有该等净收益的15%,我们将按照您提供的账户信息予以分配。同时请确保您在上传作品时使用的身份信息是真实有效的,以更好的对您的著作权进行保护。
You, as the copyright owner, will receive a digital certificate of acknowledgement for the above digital collection and if we use your digital collection and digital certificate of acknowledgement for commercial purposes and generate net proceeds, net of all taxes, you will be entitled to 15% of such net proceeds, which we will distribute in accordance with the account information you provide. Please also ensure that the identity information you use when uploading your work is genuine and valid to better protect your copyright.
6.3 您知悉并同意,我们根据上述约定使用您上传于本网站的作品,可能基于商业非营利用途、也可能基于非商业用途,可能在本网站使用,也可能在我们的其他网站、应用程序、微信小程序等平台(如有)及线下活动中使用。
You understand and agree that our use of the entries you upload to this website in accordance with the aforesaid terms may be for commercial non-profit or non-commercial use, may be use on this website or in other platforms such as our other websites, applications, WeChat mini programs (if any) and offline activities.
6.4 您知悉并同意,在不侵犯您著作权人的条件下,我们在推广的过程中可以产生商业衍生或作品交易的行为和权利,包括但不限于改编、表演、营销、分销、拍卖或以其他方式使用该等作品及其衍生品等,并有权利与您优先约定该等作品的商业合作条款,具体商业合作条款我们双方另行约定。
You understand and agree that on the condition that we do not infringe on your copyright owner, we may generate acts and rights of commercial derivatives or work transactions in the process of promotion, including but not limited to adaptation, performance, marketing, distribution, auction or otherwise using these works and their derivatives, etc., and have the right to agree with you on the commercial cooperation terms of these works. The specific commercial cooperation terms shall be agreed upon by both parties.
6.5 您知悉并同意,我们根据上述约定使用您上传于本网站的作品无需另行通知您。
You understand and agree that we are not obligated to further notify you to use the entries you upload to this website in accordance with the aforesaid terms.
6.6 您理解并同意,我们在按照上述约定使用您的作品时将尊重您的署名权,但如果我们以难以明确记载包括您在内作者姓名的形式使用全部或部分作品时,可以不记载您的姓名。
You understand and agree that we will respect your right of authorship when using the entries uploaded by you in accordance with the aforesaid terms, however, if we use entries or part of them in a form that is difficult to clearly display the author's name, your name may not be displayed.
6.7 您理解并同意,我们有权出于推进、宣传推广“Olymp’Arts”大赛的目的使用您的作品并不意味着我们有义务为您的作品免费进行宣传推广,如您在大赛进行过程中有进一步宣传推广需求,您可以联系我们另行约定宣传推广费用事宜。
You understand and agree that our authorization to use your entries for the purpose of publicity and promotion does not mean that we are obligated to promote your entries free of charge, and if you have further promotional needs during the competition, you may separately contact us for the promotion issue and expenses.
6.8 您知悉并同意,对于本《服务条款》第6.2条之外的目的使用您上传于本网站作品(包括但不限于改编、表演、营销、分销、拍卖或以其他方式使用该等作品及其衍生品等)的授权,我们在同等条件下享有优先权利,您在拟对外授权该等作品的知识产权时,应提前30日通知我们。
You understand and agree that we shall have priority rights under the same conditions as the authorization to use the entries (including but not limited to adapt, perform, market, distribute, auction or other use of such entries and their derivatives) you upload to this website for purposes other than article 6.2 hereof, and you shall notify us 30 days in advance when you intend to authorize the intellectual property rights of such entries.
6.9 您承诺并保证您在本网站所上传作品由您本人或您所代表的实体于2018年及之后独立创作完成,不存在任何抄袭、拷贝、仿冒等不正当、不合法行为。
You promise and warrant that the entries uploaded to this website by you were or will be created independently by you or the entities you represent in 2018 and thereafter, and there are no improper or illegal acts such as plagiarism, copying, and counterfeiting.
6.10 您承诺并保证您在本网站所上传作品不涉及任何索赔或诉讼,不存在任何侵犯他人权益的情形,包括但不限于侵犯他人著作权、商标权等知识产权以及个人肖像权、隐私权等其他权利。
You promise and warrant that the uploaded entries are not involved in any claims or litigation, do not infringe the rights and interests of others, including but not limited to intellectual property rights such as copyright and trademark rights, personal portrait and privacy rights.
6.11 因上述侵权、负担或不合法而产生的一切法律责任由您本人承担。同时由此给我们带来不良影响或利益损害的,应根据适用法律规定向我们赔偿因此产生的任何损失,包括但不限于任何直接和间接损失,以及其他成本和费用(如诉讼费用和律师费等)。
You shall be responsible for all legal liabilities arising from the above infringement, burden or illegality. If any adverse effects or damages are caused to us as a result of your infringement, you shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless we from and against any and all losses suffered or incurred, including but not limited to any direct and indirect losses, as well as other costs and expenses (such as litigation costs and attorney fees).
7 个人信息使用和保护
Use and Protection of Personal Information
7.1 我们深知个人信息对您的重要性,因此我们非常重视保护您的个人信息,亦将您的个人信息以高度审慎的义务对待和处理。在您使用本网站服务过程中,我们将采用相关技术措施及其他安全措施来保护您的个人信息。
We fully understand the importance of personal information to you, so we attach great care to protect your personal information, and treat and handle your personal information with a high degree of prudence. In the course of your use of our services of this website, we will adopt technical measures and other security measures to protect your personal information.
7.2 我们保证不对外公开或向第三方提供您的注册材料等您在使用本网站过程中提交、展示的个人信息,但下列情况除外:
We warrant that we will not disclose or provide your personal information (e.g., registration information and materials) that you submit and display during your use of this website to third parties, except in the following cases:
a) 事先获得您的明确授权;
Obtain your express authorization in advance;
b) 依据适用法律有关规定,有关机关按照法定程序要求查询时;
Where competent authority makes inquiries in accordance with the relevant provisions of applicable laws and legal procedures;
c) 为提供您要求的服务所必需;
Necessary to provide the services you request;
d) 为维护其他用户及社会公共利益所需要;
Necessary to safeguard the interests of other Users and the public;
e) 为完成合并、分立、收购或资产转让而转移;
Transfer for the completion of a merger, division, acquisition or assignment of assets;
f) 依据您与我们的其他相关协议或隐私政策等可以披露或转移给任何第三方的情形。
Circumstances in which can be disclosed or transferred to any third party in accordance with other relevant agreements between you and us or our privacy policies.
7.3 您应对通过本网站了解、接收或可接触到的包括但不限于其他用户在内的任何人的信息予以充分尊重,您不应以搜集、复制、存储、传播或以其他任何方式使用其他用户的信息,否则,由此产生的后果由您自行承担。
You shall fully respect the information that you have learned, received or accessed through this website of any person, including but not limited to other Users of this website. You shall not collect, reproduce, store, disseminate or otherwise use the information of other Users, otherwise, the consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by you.
7.4 在不透露包括您在内单个用户的隐私信息、对用户信息进行去标识化处理的前提下,我们有权对整个用户信息数据库进行分析并进行商业利用。
We shall have the right to analyze and commercially utilize the entire User information database, provided that we will not disclose privacy information of individual Users including you, and will de-identify Users’ information.
8 未成年人特别条款
Special Terms for Minors
8.1 我们高度重视对未成年用户个人信息的保护,若您为未成年人,则您应确保在获得家长等监护人的同意并在其监督下注册、使用本网站。
We attach great care to the protection of the personal information of minor Users, where you are a minor, you should ensure that you have obtained consent of your parents or other guardians, and register at and use this website under their supervision.
8.2 如未成年用户违反适用法律法规规定及本《服务条款》约定,则由相关监护人承担由此产生的全部法律责任。
Where minor Users violate the applicable laws and regulations and this Terms and Conditions, the relevant guardian shall be liable for all legal liabilities arising therefrom.
8.3 特别提示:未成年人在使用本网站时,要在合理范围内正确学习使用网络,避免沉迷虚拟的网络空间,养成良好上网习惯,且须遵守《全国青少年网络文明公约》相关内容。
Special Notes: When using this website, minors shall learn to use the network within a reasonable range, to avoid indulge in virtual cyberspace, and to develop good internet habits, and shall abide by the National Convention on Youth Internet Civilization.
9 免责声明
9.1 您需自行对您上传于本网站的作品负责,由此引起的一切纠纷和责任由您本人自行承担,我们不对此承担任何责任。
You are solely responsible for the entries you upload to this website, and we are not responsible for any disputes or liabilities arising therefrom.
9.2 本网站的服务和软件均按“现状”提供,我们将尽最大努力确保服务的连贯性和安全性,但我们在此明确声明,在适用法律允许的范围内,我们对我们的服务和软件或通过我们服务传送或显示的内容不做任何声明、承诺和保证,包括但不限于:(i) 我们的服务或软件将不受干扰、是安全、没有错漏或没有病毒的;(ii) 我们的服务或软件将会与您的设备兼容;或(iii) 我们的服务或软件的持续性、准确性、可靠性、适用于某一特定用途、满足您的需求等。
The services and software on this website are provided “as is”, and we will do our best to ensure the consistency and security of our services, but we hereby expressly state that we make no representations, promises or warranties regarding our services, software or the content transmitted or displayed by our services to the extent permitted by applicable laws, including but not limited to: (i) our services or software will be undisturbed, secure, error-free or free from viruses; (ii) our services or software will be compatible with your device; or (iii) the continuity, accuracy, reliability of our services or software, or they will fit for a particular purpose, meet your needs, etc.
9.3 在适用法律允许的范围内,我们对以下情形导致的服务中断或受阻不承担责任:(i) 任何自然灾害如水灾、地震或瘟疫;(ii) 任何社会事件如战争、动乱或政府行为;(iii) 任何计算机病毒、木马或其他因恶意程序或黑客攻击产生的损害;(iv) 我们或您的软件、系统或硬件故障或失灵,或任何通讯线路出现故障;(v) 不当或未获准使用我们的服务或软件;或 (vi) 其他我们无法合理控制或预见的原因。
To the extent permitted by applicable laws, in no event will we be liable for service interruption or obstruction caused by the following circumstances: (i) any natural disaster such as floods, earthquakes or epidemics; (ii) any social event such as wars, riots or government actions; (iii) any computer virus, trojan horse or other damage caused by malware or hackers; (iv) any malfunction or failure of our or your software, system, hardware or connectivity; (v) improper or unauthorized use of our services or software; or (vi) any reasons beyond our reasonable control or predictability.
9.4 您理解并同意,在使用本网站的过程中,可能会遇到网络信息或其他用户行为带来的风险,我们不对任何信息的真实性、适用性、合法性承担责任,也不对因侵权行为给您造成的损害负责。这些风险包括但不限于:(i) 来自他人匿名或冒名的含有威胁、诽谤、令人反感或非法内容的信息;(ii) 因使用本网站,遭受他人误导、欺骗或其他导致或可能导致的任何心理、生理上的伤害以及经济上的损失;(iii) 其他因网络信息或用户行为引起的风险。
You understand and agree that in the process of using this website, you may encounter risks arising from network information or other Users’ behavior, and we are neither responsible for the authenticity, applicability, legality of any information, nor responsible for damages caused to you by tort. These risks including but not limited to: (i) anonymous or pseudonymous information from others that contains threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content; (ii) any psychological or physical injury or financial losses caused or liked to be caused by mislead, fraud from others due to use of this website; (iii) other risks arising from network information or Users’ behavior.
9.5 您理解并同意,因下列原因或与之相关的任何情形,给我们的高级职员、董事、雇员和代理人造成任何索赔、责任、损害赔偿、损失和费用(包括但不限于合理的律师与会计费用),您将免除前述各方的责任,(根据我们的决定)为其辩护,向其作出赔偿,并使其免受损害:(i) 您违反本《服务条款》或我们在本网站发布的其他政策、规则等文件,(ii) 您不恰当使用本网站,(iii) 您违反任何适用法律法规或侵犯第三方权利。
You understand and agree that any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys and accounting costs) against our officers, directors, employees and agents for any of the following reasons or in connection with them, you will exempt such parties from responsibilities, (according to our decision) defend for such parties and hold them harmless from compensation: (i) you violate this Terms and Conditions or other policies, rules, etc. that we publish on this website; (ii) you use this website inappropriately; (iii) you violate any applicable laws and regulations, or infringe the rights of third parties.
10 损害赔偿
10.1 如因我们违反适用法律法规或本《服务条款》项下的任何条款而给您造成损失,我们同意承担由此给您造成的损失。但您知悉并同意,在适用法律允许的范围内,我们支付的赔偿额最高将不超过【100】美金。
We agree to bear the loss to you as a result of our violation of applicable laws and regulations or any of the terms of this Terms and Conditions. However, you understand and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, the maximum amount of compensation paid to you by us will not exceed [100] dollars.
10.2 如因您违反适用法律法规或本《服务条款》项下的任何条款而导致任何纠纷或责任,由您自行承担;如因此给我们造成损失的,您应全额赔偿该等损失,包括但不限于直接损失、间接损失、律师费、诉讼费、仲裁费及其他合理费用等。
You shall be solely responsible for any dispute or liability arising out of your violation of applicable laws and regulations or any terms of this Terms and Conditions, and you shall fully compensate us for losses caused by such violation (if any), including but not limited to direct losses, indirect losses, attorney's fee, litigation cost, arbitration fee and other reasonable expenses.
11 法律适用和争议解决
Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
11.1 本《服务条款》的成立、效力、解释和履行应适用瑞士法律(不包括其冲突法规定)。
The formation, validity, interpretation and performance of this Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Swiss laws (excluding its conflict of laws provisions).
11.2 因履行、解释本《服务条款》产生或与本《服务条款》有关的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决;30日内仍协商不成的,任何一方有权向国际奥艺委所在地有管辖权的法院提起诉讼。
Disputes arising from the performance or interpretation of this Terms and Conditions or in connection with it shall be settled through friendly consultation between the parties; in the event that no settlement is reached within 30 days, either party may file a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction in the place where the International Olymp’Arts Committee is domiciled.
12 其他
12.1 本《服务条款》对双方各自的继承人、受让人、代表人等均具有约束力。
This Terms and Conditions is binding on the respective successors, assignees and representatives of both Parties.
12.2 转让。我们可自行决定向任何第三方包括转让在本《服务条款》项下的任何权利或义务。
Assignment. We may at our own discretion assign or transfer our rights or obligations under this Terms and Conditions to any third party.
12.3 可分割性。如果本《服务条款》的任何条款根据适用法律被宣告为无效或不可强制执行,则该等条款将被解释、限制或在必要时被分离,以消除该等无效或不可强制执行。双方同意友好协商一个有效的、可执行的替代条款,该等条款应尽量实现双方订立本《服务条款》的初衷。本《服务条款》的其他条款仍将完全有效。
Severability. If any term of this Terms and Conditions is held invalid or unenforceable by governing law, such term will be construed, limited or, if necessary, severed to the extent necessary to eliminate such invalidity or unenforceability. Both Parties agree to negotiate in good faith on a valid, enforceable substitute term that most nearly effects both Parties’ original intent in entering into this Terms and Conditions. The other terms of this Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect.
12.4 不弃权。我们未能执行本《服务条款》的任何权利不构成对该等权利的弃权,对该等权利的弃权仅在我们以书面形式确认和同意后方为有效。除非本《服务条款》有明确规定,任何一方行使其在本《服务条款》下的任何救济不会影响其行使本《服务条款》或适用法律允许的其他救济。
No waiver. Our failure to perform any of the rights of this Terms and Conditions does not constitute a waiver of such rights, and waiver of such rights shall be valid only after we have confirmed and consented in writing. Unless expressly provided herein, the exercise by either party of any of its remedies hereunder will not affect the exercise of other remedies hereunder or permitted by applicable laws.
12.5 便于理解的标题。本《服务条款》各段标题的使用仅是出于方便参考的目的。此等标题不应被视为控制、限制、修改或者以任何其他方式影响本《服务条款》或其任何部分的范围、含义或者意图,也不应被赋予任何法律效力。
Headings for Convenience. The headings of paragraphs in this Terms and Conditions are inserted only for the purpose of convenient reference. Such headings shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of this Terms and Conditions or any part or portion thereof; nor shall they otherwise be given any legal effect.
12.6 语言。本《服务条款》以中英文书就,两种文本具有同等法律效力。如两种文本有不一致之处,以英文文本为准。
Language. This Terms and Conditions is made in both English and Chinese, and both versions shall have equal force. However, if there is any discrepancy between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.
12.7 联系我们。如您对《服务条款》或本网站有任何疑问、意见或建议,或者希望举报侵权、不良信息等,可与我们联系,联系信息及地址如下:
Contact us. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this Terms and Conditions or this website, or want to report infringement or adverse information, etc., please contact us as follows:
Address: Route de Meyrin 123,1219 Châtelaine, Vernier, Genève, Switzerland
Email: contact@olymparts.org